Vice-President and Pro-Vice-Chancellor
(Teaching and Learning)
Professor Ian Holliday

MA (Cantab), MPhil (Oxon), DPhil (Oxon)
Professor Holliday assists the President/Vice-Chancellor in setting the direction and policy for the University’s curriculum, teaching and learning, and quality assurance of undergraduate and postgraduate curricula.
Born in London, Professor Ian Holliday grew up in nearby Buckinghamshire. He graduated from Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, with a BA and MA in Social and Political Studies, followed by New College, Oxford, with an MPhil and DPhil in Politics. He began his teaching career at the Department of Government, University of Manchester, and was also a Fulbright Scholar at the Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service at New York University. At City University of Hong Kong, he was Head of Public and Social Administration and Dean of Humanities and Social Sciences.
In 2006, he joined The University of Hong Kong for a five-year term as Dean of Social Sciences. Since January 2015, he has served as Vice-President and Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching and Learning).
Professor Holliday is passionate about teaching and learning. As Dean of Social Sciences, he spearheaded the introduction of a graduation requirement that undergraduate students complete off-campus credits in the twin areas of social innovation and global citizenship. He also created and for many years directed the Faculty’s MOEI program to enable undergraduate students to deliver intensive-mode English classes to children and young adults in impoverished and marginalized communities in Southeast Asia. Across seven cycles from 2008 to 2014, more than 300 MOEI students taught English to thousands of young people in Cambodia, Thailand, and Myanmar.
He has a special interest in Myanmar, where his major research focuses on the country’s politics and governance. This is also expressed in his collection of paintings by Myanmar artists, many of which are part of traveling exhibitions at public institutions. A selection of these works is featured in Painting Myanmar’s Transition (Hong Kong University Press, 2021), a book he co-edited with Aung Kaung Myat.
Professor Holliday is also the author of Burma Redux: Global Justice and the Quest for Political Reform in Myanmar (Columbia University Press, 2011), co-editor with Adam Simpson and Nicholas Farrelly of Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Myanmar (Routledge, 2018), and co-author with Roman David of Liberalism and Democracy in Myanmar (Oxford University Press, 2018).

MA (Cantab), MPhil (Oxon), DPhil (Oxon)
何教授對教學充滿熱忱,在出任社會科學學院院長期間,積極發展教與學,提出嶄新的學習模式,把計算學分的「社會創新」和「全球公民」主題課程列成畢業要求,豐富本科生的校外學習經歷。他更帶領社會科學學院開展MOEI(Migrant Outreach Education Initiative)計劃,讓港大本科生有機會為東南亞地區的貧困及弱勢兒童和年輕人提供英語集訓課程。在2008至2014年間,逾300名港大學生先後為柬埔寨、泰國及緬甸的年輕人教授英語。
何教授對緬甸興趣濃厚,主要研究緬甸的政治及政制。他同時收藏緬甸藝術家的畫作,並於世界各地舉辦巡迴展覽,展出一系列珍藏,部分畫作收藏品更收錄於他與來自緬甸的研究生Aung Kaung Myat合編的著作Painting Myanmar’s Transition(香港大學出版社,2021)。
何教授的其他著作包括:Burma Redux: Global Justice and the Quest for Political Reform in Myanmar(哥倫比亞大學出版社,2011)、與Adam Simpson 和 Nicholas Farrelly合編的Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Myanmar(Routledge出版社,2018),以及與Roman David合編的Liberalism and Democracy in Myanmar(牛津大學出版社,2018)。